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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Where can I find information about Auditory/Oral Education?

Auditory Oral Speech Therapy 

Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 


Oral Deaf Education 


Children With Hearing Loss: Developing Listening and Talking Birth to Six 
Elizabeth Cole, Ed.D, CCC-A, Cert. AVT 
Carol Flexer, Ph.D., CCC-A, Cert. AVT 
Plural Publishing ( 


Ling Six Sound Check 

Friday, February 24, 2023

Non-sense Syllables

A list of Syllables
 to practice listening with my kids with Cochlear Implants

B Syllables

Initial: bah, bay, bee, buy, boh, boo

Medial: ahbah, aybay, eebee, eyebuy, ohboh, ooboo

Final: ahb, abe, eeb, ibe, ohb, oob

P Syllables

Initial: pah, pay, pee, pie, poh, poo

Medial: ahpah, aypay, eepee, eyepie, ohpoh, oopoo

Final: app, ape, eep, ipe, ope, oop

T Syllables

Initial: tah, tay, tee, tie, toe, too

Medial: ahtah, aytay, eetee, eyetie, ohtoe, ootoo

Final: aht, ate, eat, ite, oat, oot

D Syllables

Initial: dah, day, dee, die, doh, doo

Middle: ahdah, ayday, eedee, eyedie, ohdoh, oodoo

Final: odd, ade, eed, ide, ode, ood

F Syllables

Initial: fah, fay, fee, fie, foh, foo

Middle: ahfah, ayfay, eefee, eyefie, ohfoh, oofoo

Final: off, afe, eef, ife, oaf, oof

V Syllables

Initial: vah, vay, vee, vie, voh, voo

Medial: ahvah, ayvay, eevee, eyevie, ohvoh, oovoo

Final: have, ave, eev, ive, oav, oov

K Syllables

Initial: kah, kay, key, kie, koh, koo

Medial: ahkah, aykay, eekey, eyekie, ohkoh, ookoo

Final: ock, ache, eek, ike, oak, ook

G Syllables

Initial: gah, gay, gee, guy, goh, goo

Medial: ahgah, aygay, eegee, eyeguy, ohgoh, oogoo

Final: ahg, ayg, eeg, eyeg, ohg, oog

SH Syllables

Initial: shaw, shay, she, shy, show, shoo

Medial: ahshaw, ayshay, eeshe, eyeshy, ohshow, ooshoo

Final: osh, aysh, eesh, eyesh, ohsh, oosh

CH Syllables

Initial: chaw, chay, chee, chai, cho, choo

Medial: ahchaw, aychay, eechee, eyechai, ohcho, oochoo

Final: ahch, aych, eech, eyech, ohch, ooch

Voiceless TH Syllables

Initial: thaw, thay, thee, thigh, tho, thoo

Medial: ahthaw, aythay, eethee, eyethigh, ohtho, oothoo

Final: ahth, ayth, eeth, eyeth, ohth, ooth

Voiced TH Syllables

Initial: thaw, they, thee, thy, though, thoo

Medial: ahthaw, aythey, eethee, eyethy, ohthough, oothoo

Final: ahth, ayth, eeth, ithe, ohth, ooth

J Syllables

Initial: jaw, jay, jee, jie, joh, joo

Medial: ahjaw, ayjaym eejee, eyejie, ohjoh, oojoo

Final: ahj, age, eej, eyej, ohj, ooj

ZH Syllables

Initial: zhaw, zhay, zhee, zhy, zhoh, zhoo

Medial: ahzhaw, ayzhaym eezheem eyezhy, ohzhoh, oozhoo

Final: ahzh, ayzh, eezh, eyezh, ohzh, oozh

N Syllables

Initial: naw, nay, knee, nye, no, new

Medial: ahnaw, aynay, eeknee, eyenye, ohno, oonew

Final: on, ayn, een, ine, own, oon

M Syllables

Initial: mah, may, mee, my, mow, moo

Medial: ahmah, aymay, eemee, eyemy, ohmow, oomoo

Final: ahm, aim, eem, I'm, ohm, oom

W Syllables

Initial: wah, way, weea, why, whoa, woo

Medial: ahwah, ayway, eewee, eyewhy, ohwhoa, oowoo


Y Syllables

Initial: yaw, yay, yee, yie, yoh, yoo

Medial: ahyaw, ayyay, eeyee, eyeyie, ohyoh, ooyoo


H Syllables

Initial: ha, hey, hee, hi, hoe, who

Medial: ahha, ayhey, eehee, eyehim ohhoe, oowho


Z Syllables

Initial: zah, zay, zee, zye, zoh, zoo

Medial: ahzah, ayzay, eezee, eyezye, ohzoh, oozoo

Final: oz, aze, eez, ize, ohz, ooze

S Syllables

Initial: saw, say, see, sigh, so, sue

Medial: ahsaw, aysay, eesee, eyesigh, ohso, oosue

Final: ahs, ace, ees, ice, ohs, oos

R Syllables

Initial: rah, ray, ree, rye, roh, roo

Medial: ahrah, ayray, eeree, eyerye, ohroh, ooroo

Final: ahr, air, ear, ire, or, oor

L Syllables

Initial: lah, lay, lee, lie, low, loo

Medial: ahlah, aylay, eelee, eyelie, ohlow, ooloo

Final: all, ale, eel, ile, ohl, ool