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Friday, January 31, 2025

Using Playmats & Smash Mats for Speech & Language Development

(For Children with Hearing Deficits, Hearing Aids, or Cochlear Implants)

What Are Playmats & Smash Mats?

  • Playmats: Themed mats with pictures or interactive elements that encourage language learning through play.
  • Smash Mats: Mats with pictures where children "smash" playdough, stickers, or small objects on targets as they practice words or sounds.

General Tips for Success

Ensure Hearing Devices Are On & Functioning – Check that your child’s hearing aids or cochlear implants are working properly.
Minimize Background Noise – Choose a quiet area to help your child focus on listening.
Start With Visual Cues, Then Remove Them – Begin by letting your child see your mouth movements, then cover your lips to encourage pure listening.
Use Visual & Tactile Cues – Point to pictures, use gestures, and encourage hands-on interaction.
Encourage Listening First – Before giving visual support, ask them to try listening alone.
Praise Effort, Not Just Accuracy – Reinforce attempts and progress, not just perfect speech.

1. Phonological Awareness (Rhyming, Syllables, Beginning Sounds)

🎯 Goal: Help your child recognize sounds, break down words, and understand rhymes.

Visual Activity: Rhyming Smash

🟢 Use a smash mat with pictures of rhyming words (e.g., cat, hat, bat).
🟢 Say two words aloud and ask, "Do these rhyme?"
🟢 If correct, let them smash playdough on the picture or place a sticker.
🟢 If incorrect, model the correct answer and have them repeat.

Auditory-Only Activity: “Mystery Rhyme” (Lips Covered)

🟢 Cover your mouth and say a word (e.g., “cat”).
🟢 Say another word (e.g., “bat”) and ask, “Do these words rhyme?”
🟢 Your child listens and responds by placing a token or smashing playdough on the correct answer.

Visual Activity: Syllable Clapping

🟢 Pick words from a playmat (e.g., elephant, tiger, apple).
🟢 Say the word and clap out syllables together.
🟢 Have your child place a token or jump for each syllable.

Auditory-Only Activity: “Guess the Word” (Lips Covered)

🟢 Cover your mouth and say a word syllable by syllable (e.g., “ba-na-na”).
🟢 Your child claps or jumps for each syllable and then guesses the word.

2. Articulation (Practicing Speech Sounds)

🎯 Goal: Improve speech clarity by targeting difficult sounds.

Visual Activity: Smash the Sound

🟢 Place pictures of words with the target sound on a smash mat (e.g., “S” words: sun, snake, sock).
🟢 Say the word and encourage your child to repeat after you.
🟢 If correct, they get to smash playdough on the word!
🟢 If they need help, give a model: “Try again, watch my mouth.”

Auditory-Only Activity: “Find the Sound” (Lips Covered)

🟢 Cover your mouth and say a word with the target sound (e.g., “sun” for /s/).
🟢 Your child listens and points to the correct picture on a playmat or smash mat.
🟢 If unsure, repeat with a slight pause between syllables (e.g., “s...un”).

3. Sound Discrimination (Hearing & Identifying Sounds)

🎯 Goal: Help your child recognize differences between similar sounds.

Visual Activity: Same or Different?

🟢 Say two words aloud (e.g., “bat” and “pat”).
🟢 Ask, “Are these the same or different?”
🟢 If correct, let them smash playdough on a picture.

Auditory-Only Activity: “Same or Different?” (Lips Covered)

🟢 Cover your mouth and say two words (e.g., “bat” and “pat”).
🟢 Your child listens and points to “same” or “different” on the smash mat.

Visual Activity: Loud vs. Quiet

🟢 Use a playmat with animals or objects.
🟢 Say a word loudly or softly, and have your child sort the words into "loud" or "quiet" categories.

Auditory-Only Activity: “Quiet or Loud?” (Lips Covered)

🟢 Cover your mouth and say words in different volumes (loud/soft).
🟢 Your child sorts them into “loud” or “quiet” by placing tokens on a playmat.

4. Receptive Language (Following Directions, Understanding Words)

🎯 Goal: Strengthen listening and comprehension.

Visual Activity: Follow the Path

🟢 Use a playmat with a road, maze, or themed scene.
🟢 Give directions like, “Drive the car to the red house” or “Put the ball next to the tree.”

Auditory-Only Activity: “Follow the Clue” (Lips Covered)

🟢 Cover your mouth and give a one-step direction (e.g., “Touch the dog.”).
🟢 If correct, increase to two-step (e.g., “First, find the apple, then touch the car.”).

5. Expressive Language (Expanding Words & Sentences)

🎯 Goal: Encourage your child to use more words and sentences.

Visual Activity: What’s Happening?

🟢 Use a scene playmat (e.g., a zoo, a park).
🟢 Ask WH-questions: “What is the boy doing?” or “Where is the cat?”
🟢 Encourage full sentences instead of one-word answers.

Auditory-Only Activity: “Tell Me More” (Lips Covered)

🟢 Ask your child a WH-question (e.g., “What do you see on the mat?”).
🟢 Encourage them to describe it using at least two words (e.g., “big house”).

Making It Fun & Engaging!

🎉 Use Rewards: Give small rewards or high-fives for participation.
🎉 Switch It Up: Try different themes (farm, ocean, transportation).
🎉 Take Turns: Let your child "be the teacher" and give you directions!
🎉 Use Everyday Items: Apply these skills during play with toys, books, or meals.

By incorporating both visual and auditory-only exercises, you can help your child with hearing deficits maximize his listening, speaking, and language skills in a fun and interactive way! 🚀

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