

Speech Steps


Bilingual Education Helps Kids’ Brains to Better Resist Distraction

Speech Sound Disorders Resources

Working on Grammar - Resources

Working on Vocabulary - Resources

Pragmatic Skills

Autism Spectrum Disorders - Resources

Phonological Processes and Elimination in Typically Developing Child

90 and more Speech Therapy Tests with Descriptions

Down Syndrome and Medical Problems

Down Syndrome - Goals for Child with DS

Tracheostomy and Laryngectomy Vocabulary

After Laryngectomy

Overcome Shyness

Selective Mutism Treatment

Children Apraxia of Speech

Aphasia, TBI - Resources

Apraxia Treatment

Motor Speech Disorders - Resources

Backward - Mirror Writing in Young Children

Dyslexia - Intervention and Tips

Signs of Dyslexia and First Steps

Cerebral Palsy


Webinars to learn about Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Evaluation - Sample

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Evaluation – Sample 2

Epilepsy - Seizures

Cutaneous T-CellLymphoma

What’s Response to Intervention (RtI) Model?

Medical Doctor program with Dad, BODY WORLDS: PULSE, DiscoveryTimes Square, NYC 

In Polish (you can translate with the Google Chrome.)

Polski Logopeda w USA a Amerykanski System Edukacyjny

Komunikacja po Calkowitej Laryngektomi

Metody Pracy Dzieckiem Autystycznym

Metoda Millerow - Program Wielostronnej Stymulacji Psychoruchowej

Metoda Analizy Behawioralnej ABA