


Verbal Praise Worth a Million

How to Talk so Your Child Will Listen?

Disciplining Your Child

Stop Backtalk or Verbal Rudeness Right On a Start Line

Overcome Shyness

The Elf – Family Tradition

Healthy Interaction Between a Father and Offsprings

Reduce Your Child's Anxiety and Stress?

Back to School - Exciting or Frightening?

Memo From Your Child

Pet Loss and Child’sGrief


Feeding Child – Tips and Techniques for Parents - Video


Support Your Child’s Overall Development

Promote Speech and Language Development

Power of Joke and Laughter

Outdoor Free Play

Is homework too easy?

Harvest, Thanksgiving and Hunger - CANstrustion Competition

TV and Your Child

Potty Training

Complementary Approaches

Better Memory

Backwards - Mirror Writing in Young Children

Sewing Increases Creativity and Problem Solving

Benefits of Handwritten Letters

Writing Planning Creating Sewing by Basia


Activities for Child Tips for Parents

Two Worldwide Famous People of Warsaw, Poland

Heritage of History and Culture, Poland 2014

Benefits of play-dates

Safe and Occupied Child After Hurricane Sandy

Hands-on Learning Experience Through Visual and Creative Participation in Project

Marionette Puppet Theater

The Nutcracker Tradition

Popsicle Stick Sliding Puppet Theater

Thanksgiving Pie and Other Ideas

The Gingerbread Man Tradition

Kids and Science

Kids and Nature


How To Improve Handwriting

Handwriting Matters

Hand Writing Benefits

Help your child with Spelling

Backwards - Mirror Writing in Young Children

Dyslexia - Intervention and Tips

Signs of Dyslexia and First Steps

Reading Process

"Jolly Learning" Reading and Writing Method

Learning Phonics To Read

Short and Long Vowels

Sight Words

Early Reader

Rhyme Time

Read Short Stories

Build Child's Interest in Reading

Book Series Chosen by 6 Years Old Basia

Well Known but Newly Discovered Roald Dahl

Good Book to Read - Kate DiCamillo, Great Children’s Fiction Writer

Good Books to Read by Judith Viorst


Speech Steps


Speech Sound Disorders Resources

Working on Grammar - Resources

Working on Vocabulary - Resources

Pragmatic Skills

Autism Spectrum Disorders - Resources

Phonological Processes and Elimination in Typically Developing Child

Help with Auditory Processing Disorder

Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Apraxia Treatment

Aphasia, TBI - Resources

Motor Speech Disorders - Resources

Class Size and Student Achievement

Traveling with Children – Get Ready

Traveling with Children - Fun and Educational Benefits

Fever – High Temperature Remedies

Washington DC - History and Art Lesson

On a Sunny Saturday Across The Brooklyn Bridge and Through the History

Cerebral Palsy


Stuttering or Dysfluency?

Fluency/Stuttering - Resources

Homework in Early Schooling

Cochlear Implant

Hearing Disorders - Resources

Down Syndrome and Medical Problems

Down Syndrome - Goals for Child with DS

What’s Response to Intervention (RtI) Model?

Cutaneous T-CellLymphoma

In Polish (you can translate with the Google Chrome.)

Glosne Czytanie

Bycie Dwujezycznym. How to Promote Bilingualism.

ADHD Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Zespół Nadpobudliwości Psychoruchowej z Zaburzeniami Uwagi

Porady dla Rodzica Dziecka Autystycznego

Przezwyciezyc Strach i Lek

Metody Pracy z Dzieckiem Autystycznym

Metoda Milerow - Program Wielostronnej Stymulacji Psychoruchowej

Metoda Analizy Behawioralnej ABA

Interwencja Kryzysowa w Przypadku Klęsk Zywiołowych i Zespołu Stresu Pourazowego